About Us
Aerial silks (also known as aerial contortion, aerial ribbons or aerial tissues) as a sport, is growing so fast with each passing year! The elegant strength it requires is nothing short of mesmerizing.
Our silks come complete with rated professional carabiners, a heavy duty swivel, two daisy chains and a comfortable canvas carry bag.
The silks are low to medium stretch, which makes them perfect for beginners up to professionals; with a beautiful shimmer under the lights. Our collection will be available for purchase very soon!
As a gymnast, we know it is important to be able to ‘feel’ the bar. This is the exact reason why we use a beautiful, soft and flexible leather here at Qalaro, with just the right amount of palm coverage… and we know that a smaller hand requires a more narrow grip.
Whilst bars is one of the more difficult, yet rewarding apparatus in Women’s Gymnastics, having a comfortable and reliable pair of grips is paramount.
Let us take care of that for you. We have options in store now!

After 30 years in the gymnastics and acrobatics world, we have learned that all sports require personal equipment… and having designs that tick all the boxes makes training and competition that much more enjoyable.
We will strive to bring you comfortable and effective products, which won’t send you crazy trying to break them in! All designed by a sports enthusiast who has trained, competed, coached and judged for over 30 years!
With expansion constantly on the mind, Qalaro’s future will include multiple sports equipment and accessories.
We know that talent and success comes from hard work and commitment… splashed with a whole lot of discipline… and we want to serve you in making the ride that little bit smoother.
We encourage sports, through life from start to finish, as the lessons we learn from sports, carry over into almost all areas of life!
“How you do anything, is how you do everything!” … Jim Rohn